
New Carbon Material

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Pitch Based Ball Shape Activated Carbon

Pitch Based Ball Shape Activated Carbon

The Current Capacity : 5t/a
Supplier: Jining Keneng New Carbon Material Science and Technology Ltd.
The Current Capacity : 5t/a
Supplier: Jining Keneng New Carbon Material Science and Technology Ltd.
Property and Application:It has a series good property of lower impurity content, larger specific area (≥ 1500㎡/g), good ball shape, smooth surface stable adsorbability etc. and it is a kind of ideal activated adsorption material and has wide application in the field of medicine, chemistry, chemical industry, military, environmental protection etc.
?2015 Jining Carbon Group Co.,Ltd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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Tel:86-537-2317667 Fax:86-537-2317557
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